You must be a registered user. If you don't, please, sign up for an account. Also, you will need a Sourcetree application (Windows/OSX) for interacting with our Git repository.

Step-by-step guide

Login into the Git and create a fork of the repository:

Checkout the code with Sourcetree:

Find and open i18n directory:

Copy en.json to a new file using the ISO 639-1 code of the language you will translate the file to. For example, if you are translating to the Polish language, the file should be renamed to pl.json.

Edit the file using a Unicode capable text editor such as Notepad:

Always ensure that the file is saved using the UTF-8 encoding. The encoding is a parameter usually available in the Save As... dialog of text editors.

When you have done, open Sourcetree and commit your file:


Next, You must create a pool request to merge your changes with our master branch:

Add some description:

And wait for approval:

Thank you for your cooperation!

Sending us a language file constitutes agreement with and acceptance of the following terms:

  • You will not be paid or compensated for your translation.
  • Webitel reserves the right to publish or remove the language file from Webitel Phone with no prior notice.
  • This legal notice may be changed without notice by Webitel.

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