
Broacasting allows you to automatically dial up to the subscriber and, after the connection is established, perform a predefined Webitel JSON Scheme.

Campaign setup


Before proceeding to the settings of the outbound campaign, you must create a calendar on which the campaign will work. The calendar is created in the Calendars section of the Webitel web client. The calendar contains the start and end date of the campaign, the time zone, the time of work depending on the day of the week, as well as holidays:

General settings

In the Dialer section, create a new campaign with the Voice Broadcasting type.


If you have several active campaigns that use the same outgoing lines, then you can specify the priority (Priority), according to which the dealer will work out the sequence of sample numbers from the campaigns.


After specifying the name of the campaign and selecting the previously created calendar, go to the block with parameters (Parameters).

1LimitThe number of simultaneous outgoing lines that the dialer will use. If you specify 10 lines, the webitel will ensure that the number of simultaneous calls does not exceed the specified limit.
2Wait between retries (in seconds)If the autoinformer could not reach the subscriber by one of his numbers, he will resume trying again after a time (in seconds) not less than the one specified in this field.
3Maximum number of retryThis field indicates the number, how many times the dialer will try to call the subscriber (with a pause indicated in # 2 of this table) until he stops trying to dial and sets the final result as MAX_TRY_COUNT
4Minimum succeed call duration (in seconds)After the subscriber has answered and the autoinformer has started the previously specified Webitel JSON Scheme, the dealer waits for the time (in seconds) specified in this field. If the subscriber hangs up earlier, then the diler will consider such a call not successful and will resume dialing attempts after the time specified in #2, but not exceeding the number of attempts specified in #3. If the subscriber is on the line more than this time, then at the end of the call, the dialer will set the end result as NORMAL_CLEARING, and stop dialing attempts.
5Originate timeoutThe parameter indicates how long it is necessary to wait for the answer of the subscriber before calculating that there is no answer, and continue the attempts to dial through the time specified in #2, but not exceeding the number of attempts specified in #3.

If it is necessary for all subscribers in the campaign to transfer the same variables to the channel, you can use the Variables tab for this task.

JSON Scheme

After successfully dialing one of the subscribers in the campaign, the dealer performs the scheme from the Callflow tab. You can use any elements of routing, refer to variables that set globally on a campaign, or on a specific subscriber.


On the Cause tab, call completion codes are listed from the list and how the dealer must handle these codes.

  • Error - having received one of these codes, the dialer stops calling the subscriber immediately.
  • Retry - having received one of these codes, the dialer continues to dial to the subscriber within the specified number of attempts.
  • OK - successful completion of the dialer for this subscriber.
  • Minus - codes from this list do not affect the number of dialing attempts. Receiving this answer, the dialer does not stop dialing and does not increase the number of attempts made.

Upload subscribers

Subscribers can be added to the campaign using the Webitel web client, importing from a CSV file, or using the REST API interface.

Dialing the numbers specified in the subscriber cards is performed using standard outbound routing

Upload using Web client

Just press the green "Add" button and enter the customer data for the call:

  • Name - Arbitrary subscriber name
  • Priority - The priority of processing this subscriber by the dealer from the list of all subscribers.
  • Expire - If the subscriber was not processed before the specified time and date, it is automatically excluded from further dialing with the termination code MEMBER_EXPIRED
  • Communications - A list of telephone numbers where you can reach this subscriber. Please note that within the same campaign, the numbers cannot be the same for different subscribers.
  • Variables - Individual variables for a given subscriber. They also get into the call channel and can be used in the JSON Scheme.
  • Run after adding members - If this option is enabled, after adding a new subscriber, the campaign will automatically start.

Upload using CSV file

To upload the list of subscribers from a CSV file, use the "Upload" button.

In the file pre-processing window, you can specify the character set, the separator used, ignore the first line. For the necessary columns from the file, specify the destination of loading in the subscriber's card fields.

Upload using REST API

The list of clients to be dialed is transmitted via a JSON file using the POST method to the Webitel server.

Request example:

POST /api/v2/dialer/571f2e2e6ea6478aba60581a/members?autoRun=true HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
X-Access-Token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0NDIwMDIxNzkzNTh9
X-Key: 8fd26a17-eb28-4c74-aa6f-a3794f4f466c


	"name":"Мирный Евгений",
	"priority": 0,
	"variables": {
		"debt": 20000,
		}, {





namestringArbitrary subscriber name
priorityintCall priority (any integer). The default is 0.

Time zone of the subscriber. If not specified, the value is taken from the campaign settings. - value from the fs_timezone column



An array of telephone numbers with priorities for dialing one subscriber, if it is necessary to specify more than one means of communication for enumeration.

"communications": [
		number: "+380890000000", 
		priority: 2
		number: "0910000000", 
		priority: 1


JSON object with variables and their values that the dialer will transmit to the call channel. Here you can set any variables from the list required in the project, like:

  • Contact ID
  • Credit Application ID
  • Product
  • Customer status
  • The language of communication

Filling example:

"variables": {
	"language": "ru",
	"productID": "8fd26a17-eb28-4c74-aa6f-a3794f4f466c"

Campaign start and stop

After completing all the presets, the campaign can be started by pressing the RUN button. When the dialer processes the entire subscriber list or ends the “before” period specified in the calendar, the campaign will automatically stop. You can also stop a campaign by pressing the STOP button.