In order to be able to create requests on the technical support portal, you should get an account to access the portal.

If you think that you should have such an account, please contact us at the phone number listed on the site or email us at [email protected]

After you have been issued an account, the following letter should arrive at your specified email address, where your login for the portal is indicated (your email address is your login if there was no request for a specific login).

Click the Set my password button and in the window that opens, enter the password twice.

Password Requirements

The password must consist of at least 8 different characters and should not be similar to the previous password (if such a beat), username or full name.

After that, click the Reset button and you should see the following window.

Click on the use Jira sign or go to to enter the technical support portal. Enter your username and password. After that, click the Log in button.

Choose your preferred system interface language.

On the next page, you can set an avatar for your account from existing ones or download a specific file. This step is optional. You can change or add an avatar at any time in the profile settings.