Create an Account with a SIP Provider

First, you need to have an account with a VoIP service provider. Webitel supports most popular SIP based VoIP service providers. For an example, Zadarma.

Add the SIP Provider Account in Webitel

After you have created the SIP provider account, you will need to configure the account in Webitel. To do this:

  1. Name - Any name, that you'll use for this account. For an example, SIP User name.
  2. Type = SIP provider, if your authentication is based on Account/Registration.
  3. Profile - leave empty or select External.
  4. Host/IPEnter the Hostname or IP of the VoIP Gateway
  5. User name - SIP User ID of the VoIP Gateway
  6. Password - SIP User password of the VoIP Gateway

Click Save to save the trunk settings.

Next, you must to create inbound and outbound routes.