Contains general information about calls:

  • Calls by directions - Number of calls in directions
  • Answeres inbound calls - Number of incoming calls, average talk time and total duration
  • Calls by extensions per hours - This table visualizes the number of calls in the context of operators with grouping per hour. The darker the fill - the more calls.
  • Top 10 hangup causes - Top 10 Call Termination Codes
  • Avg duration by extensions - average talk time, waiting and holding in the context of internal numbers of employees.
  • Unique inbound calls timeline -The ratio of all incoming calls to unique numbers.
  • Unique inbound calls - similar to the previous one, only in the form of a table. Allows you to understand how many incoming calls occur again.
  • Abandoned calls on the 5/20 sec - the number of lost calls with waiting times up to 5 seconds, up to 20 seconds and over 20 seconds.

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