The document describes the process of updating the Webitel server version 3.4.x to version 3.5.0.


Before you proceed to the upgrade, we recommend that you back up the current configuration:

/opt/orchestration/bin/ backup

Save the Kibana configuration file:

The action must be performed for each domain separately, in which Kibana was used.

Update process

Delete all docker containers:

sudo -s
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
rm -rf /opt/webitel/elastic/

Update basic Linux packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

In the / opt / orchestration / env / environment file, change the version of the webitel to 3.5.0

export WEBITEL_VERSION="3.5.0"

Update Webitel:

cd /opt/orchestration
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout v3.5.0
./bin/ pull

Add webitel to autoload:

sudo cp /opt/orchestration/etc/cron.d/webitel /etc/cron.d/

Reboot server:

sudo shutdown -r now

After the reboot, you should start a new version of Webitel

Statistics update

To re-index all statistics into the new Elasticsearch 5, you need to enter the container with the command:

docker exec -it storage bash

Run indexing utility:

node utils/cli cdr -u http://storage:10021/sys/cdr?skip_mongo=true

Wait for the process to complete.

Kibana Recovery

Load saved file:

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