We are pleased to announce the new release of Webitel 3.9!

In this release, we changed the format for storing historical data about calls. This will allow more flexibility to create the necessary reports in Kibana. As a bonus, Kibana comes with new reports out of the box. A more detailed description can be found on the Dashboard page.

We expect your wishes for the further development of the new functionality on Customer portal.

Updated to the latest stable versions of Docker 18.03.0-ceFreeSWITCH 1.6.20, Elasticsearch 6.2, Kibana 6.2 и NodeJS 9.10.

Thanks to the whole team that worked on this release.

 Vitaly Kovalyshyn, CTO

On the page

v3.9.0 - April 2, 2018

The release contains new functionality. About 30 User Story and about 70 Bug Reports are closed.