We are pleased to announce the new release of Webitel 3.7!

In this version, we updated the online monitoring for Dialer, added a new section to save Callback requests, and also created a designer to generate the code for the callback order button from the Widget website, which also supports a call from the browser via WebRTC. The core of the video conference was finalized, which now allows broadcasting on Youtube and Facebook. And of course, we released our first free Webitel Phone client!

We expect your wishes for the further development of the new functionality on Customer portal.

Updated to the latest stable versions of Docker 17.06.0-ceFreeSWITCH 1.6.19, Elasticsearch 5.5, Kibana 5.5 and NodeJS 8.2.1.

Thanks to the whole team that worked on this release.

 Vitaly Kovalyshyn, CTO

On the page

v3.7.1 - August 31, 2017

  1. Found and fixed errors in the calculation of  indicators of the dealer.
  2. Fixed execution of subscribers in callback lists.
  3. Microsoft's Text-To-Speech has been updated to the latest SDK version.
  4. Update FreeSWITCH.
  5. Update NodeJS 8.4.
Found and fixed errors in the calculation of indicators of the dealer.

v3.7.0 - August 7, 2017

The release contains new functionality. About 10 User Story and about 40 Bug Reports are closed.


A new section 16 Callback allows you to create queues to save orders for a call back after hours. For each subscriber, you can add comments and mark orders already completed:

Call from the site

The new section 15 Widget allows you to create a button for the site. If you enable WebRTC support and the client browser supports this technology, you will be able to make a direct call from the browser. How it works, we told in this video:

Hooks and bpm'onilne 7.10+

Starting with bpm'onilne 7.10, a new defense mechanism against CSRF attacks was introduced. In this version of webitel, we added the ability to work correctly with bpm'onilne 7.10 Web Services.

Youtube and Facebook

You can now broadcast conferences on Youtube! Just add the conference_auto_record variable before entering the conference:

		"answer": "200"
		"setVar": [
		"conference": {
			"name": "live",
			"profile": "video-mcu-stereo-chime",
			"flags": [
		"hangup": ""

Predictive Dialer

New online campaign monitoring:


Webitel Phone

Our new client application with support for audio and video calls, conferences, user statuses, call recordings and much more: