Time of day routing allows calls to be executed different applications based upon the time of day, day of week. You can use it in the different Conditional Statements.

By default, time-based routing uses the UTC timezone.

    "if": {
      "expression": "&hour(18-20) && &wday(2-6)",
      "then": []
Time range formatted: hh:mm[:ss]-hh:mm[:ss] (seconds optional) Example: "08:00-17:00".
Minute of the day, (1-1440) (midnight = 1, 1am = 60, noon = 720, etc.).
Minute (of the hour), 0-59.
Hour, 0-23.
Day of week, 1-7 (Sun = 1, Mon = 2, etc.) or "sun", "mon", "tue", etc.
Week of month, 1-6.
Week of year, 1-53.
Day of month, 1-31.
Month, 1-12 (Jan = 1, etc.).
Day of year, 1-366.
Calendar year, 0-9999.