  "playback": {
    "name": "my.mp3",
    "type": "mp3"
Uploaded file name
Supported file formats: mp3, wav, shout or tone.


Play remote audio stream or MP3 file via http.


Generate tone. [L=x;][v=y;]%(<on-duration>, <off-duration>, <freq-1> [, freq-2] [, freq-3] [, freq-n] [;loops=x])

  • Durations are specified in milliseconds
  • Frequencies are specified in Hz

L=x; create x copies of the specified tone stream in memory before playing. Note that L=-1 is not valid, use loops=-1 to loop continuously. Specify L= at the beginning of the tone definition string.

;loops=x Loop x times, use ;loops=-1 for endless loop. This generates the tone, then repeats the generation process so it presumably consumers less cpu and memory than the L= parameter. Note that ;loops=x is postfix notation so it should appear at the end of the tone definition string.

v=y Volume of tones expressed as the equivalent in dB (deciBels) in a PCM waveform. 0 = maximum volume, negative integers represent softer volume (loudness). Do not enter positive values greater than zero! Note that non-linear formats such as G.711 and G.723 will offer slightly lower amplitudes as an artifact of their algorithms.

For example, plays a stutter-like tone 100 times:

  "playback": {
    "name": "L=100;%(100,100,350,440)",
    "type": "tone"

TGML complete listing of capabilities and syntax.

Play several audio files at once:

    "playback": {
      "files": [
          "name": "welcome-rus.wav",
          "type": "wav"
          "name": "2000",
          "type": "silence"
          "name": "russia-eng.wav",
          "type": "wav"
New file type silence. Silence in millisecond.

Play a prompt and get digits:

  "playback": {
            "name": "enter_ext.wav",
            "type": "wav",
            "getDigits": {
              "setVar": "getIvrDigit",
              "min": 3,
              "max": 4,
			  "tries": 1,
              "timeout": 2000
Channel variable into which digits should be placed.
Minimum number of digits to fetch (minimum value of 0).
Maximum number of digits to fetch (maximum value of 128).
Numbers of tries for the sound to play.
 Number of milliseconds to wait for a dialed response after the file playback ends and before PAGD does a retry.